Sunday, November 15, 2009


So much going on. I couldn't face it till now, that's prolly the reason why i haven't been online. I've been alone much of the time now, watched hell loads of documentaries. 911, london bombing, poor kids in china, animals dying because of humans. I'm not dying. I'm not terribly ill. I'm not starving. But i still feel so suck every single morning i wake up. What's wrong?

The sun can survive w/o humans, but humans can't.
They can survive w/o you , but you can't.
It didnt seem to bother them. Idk, i really dont.

Have you ever had the feeling you wish you were someone else and not you?

Monday, November 02, 2009

Perhaps it's meant to be?

Happen to hop into someone's blog and found this kinda applicable meaningful.

"Don’t waste your time worrying about boys. Boys will come and go. Don’t waste your time caring about the people who don’t like you. Chances are you don’t like them either. Don’t waste your time worrying if people are talking about you. You affected their lives, they didn’t affect yours. Waste your time with friends. Live for the moment, laugh often, be immature, do anything and everything. If it’s something you’ll regret in the morning, sleep late and when you wake up, laugh about it with your friends, cause your friends are what matter most. When you have your friends, you have everything."

I can take anything. I can take everything.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

We are only human

Seriously. Not that i dont care much, but i'm tired too. Love you <3

Not showing it out, doesnt mean i'm not.