Thursday, September 25, 2008

(4E2' 008 Candid!)

"The creepy and the kooky, msyterious and spooky. They are all together ooky
The addams family!"

Okay, stupid chopstick vannypoopy filled my head with the addams family song during geog lesson when i was doing timed-practice somemore! Lol listening to it makes me feel like i'm primary three. :D And the lyrics dont make sense, kooky and ooky! Haha.

Anw, the new one hour time slot timetables are cocky, makes me sleepy for like every lesson but at least i dont have to keep standing up and greet teachers for like every half an hour. Well that's a good thing! (Pss, i hate standing up and down reeting teachers. What a chore.)

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